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Trade Sale Intellishop to L-EA Private Equity

Holger Fries
31. December 2012 from Holger Fries
Trade Sale Intellishop to L-EA Private Equity
Seller: Intellishop AG
Buyer: Privatinvestoren, L-EA Private Equity GmbH, S-Kap Beteiligungen
Branch: service sector
Transaction volume: not published
Closing: 31.12.2012

The Intellishop AG sold its shares to two private investors, L-EA Private Equity GmbH and S-Kap Beteiligungen. WALTER FRIES Corporate Finance advised Intellishop AG throughout the complex transaction process.

The investors are strengthening their position in the growing e-commerce market with the acquisition of Intellishop AG.

"I was very impressed with the personal support I received and the highly professional and goal-oriented approach of my points of contact at WALTER FRIES Corporate Finance, who were always ready and willing to help with advice and action, even at the most impracticable times. Thank you very much for your support and the outstanding exit process!"
Marco Beicht executive partner of Intellishop AG

About Intellishop AG

Intellishop AG was founded in 2004 and has continuously developed its market position. Intellishop is a process-oriented e-commerce software solution and can adapt completely to the individual project requirements, which makes it suitable for both large and medium-sized companies. It is now used in 11 countries.


About L-EA Private Equity GmbH

L-Bank finances medium-sized companies in Baden-Württemberg via the L-EA Mittelstandsfonds. The provision of equity and equity-type financing serves a variety of financing needs from increase in equity, corporate succession planning and growth financing. The L-EA Mittelstandsfonds currently comprises a fund volume of EUR 500 million.

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