Trade Sale EuCor to stock listed company

WALTER FRIES Corporate Finance GmbH successfully advised EuCor GmbH & Co. KG from Aschaffenburg throughout its due diligence and divestment processes.
»The professional advisory of WFCF gave us confidence and the highest transaction security, which was most important during this transaction together with a worldwide operating and stock listed company with the highest reputation. We express our gratitude to Mr. Christian Hock (Advisor of WFCF) who also ensured on the investors’ side the highest dimension of confidence and routine at any time.«
About EuCor GmbH & Co. KG
EuCor GmbH & Co. KG has been a potent, competent and responsible service partner in the field of industrial property rights. The employees examine databases for word and image brands, trademarks, design patents, domain names and titles all over the world on behalf of multinational manufacturers of branded goods, SMEs, distinguished law firms, renowned advertising agencies and product designers. EuCor handles this with instinct experience and success.