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Ducanthi Management acquires PROjekt REAL

Holger Fries
31. December 2019 from Holger Fries
Ducanthi Management acquires PROjekt REAL
Seller: PROjekt REAL GmbH
Buyer: Ducanthi Management GmbH
Branch: service sector
Transaction volume: not published
Closing: 31.12.2019

WALTER FRIES Corporate Finance exclusively advised the shareholders of PROjekt REAL GmbH, Strukturplan Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH and the Helga and Michael Nutz GbR on the sale of the companies to Ducanthi Management GmbH. The owner of these companies, Alexander Matthias, had been working for PROjekt REAL GmbH in a management position for many years.


By handing over the firms to Mr. Matthias, the Nutz family has found a successor who is already very familiar with the internal structures and the industry.

"We are very happy that we are giving our companies into trustworthy hands and that all employees are still on board! At the beginning of the consultations, we could not imagine how extensive and complex such a handover process could be. Due to the calm manner of Mario Rüdel and Armin Ambrosi and their transparent support, we have always felt optimally taken care of."
Helga und Michael Nutz Gesellschafter
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