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TLS Technik was acquired by ALTANA Group

Christian Hock
31. December 2020 from Christian Hock
TLS Technik was acquired by ALTANA Group
Seller: TLS Technik GmbH & Co.
Buyer: Altana AG
Branch: manufacturing and industry
Transaction volume: not published
Closing: 31.12.2020

WALTER FRIES Corporate Finance exclusively advised Norbert Ludwig, the shareholder of TLS Technik GmbH & Co. Spezialpulver KG, on the sale of the business to the ALTANA Group.


With the acquisition of the TLS-Technik-business, the specialty chemicals group is strategically expanding its business unit ECKART. “With the acquisition of the TLS-business, we are expanding our portfolio in 3D printing for industrial additive manufacturing and are positioning ourselves in a technological market of the future,” said Martin Babilas, CEO of ALTANA AG. “In this way, we are continuing to implement ALTANA’s strategy of generating value-creating growth through targeted acquisitions, even in difficult economic times.”

"Essential for the successful process was the optimal support provided by Holger Fries and Christian Hock. For me personally, it was very important to be able to rely on a well-coordinated team of experts with whom I felt in good hands at all times during the process, both professionally and interpersonally. The expertise in managing a due diligence, preparing all relevant documents in a targeted manner, and helping to draft essential elements of a purchase agreement accelerates such a transaction immensely."
Norbert Ludwig shareholder of TLS Technik GmbH & Co.

We would also like to thank the law firm of Dr. Steffen Dietz (seller) and Mr. Julian Hoff of Hoffmann Liebs Partnerschaft of Rechtsanwälten mbB (buyer) for their legal support and advice.

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